INTESA Workshop 2018
INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications
Co-Located with ESWEEK 2018Sept 30 - Oct 5, 2018, Turin, ITALY
Workshop date: Oct 4, 2018.
Scope of the Workshop
The INTESA workshop aims to give an up-to-date picture of intelligent embedded systems architectures and applications with emphasis on Smart IoT and Cyber Physical Systems, including hot topics such as accelerating deep learning. The workshop covers several aspects, from the hardware related ones to embedded software and application issues, being complementary to most of the topic addressed during the ESWEEK. From the market standpoint, scientific progress in this field are considered crucial to fuel a widespread diffusion of the potential benefits offered by the Industry 4.0 perspective. The goal of the event is to create cross-fertilization of ideas between application developers and platform providers with the participation of a mix between academic and industry people.
View the Call For Papers »Important Dates
- Paper submission: 31 July, 2018 at 24:00 AOE
- Acceptance notification: 16 September, 2018
- Camera ready: 20 September, 2018